Author Topic: sinew backed cypress bow almost done. actually shoots great !  (Read 1955 times)

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Offline rockrush69

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sinew backed cypress bow almost done. actually shoots great !
« on: September 28, 2013, 01:51:05 am »
Here are all the pics i could take by my self .i will post full draw pics in the morning while people are awake . Its not that heavy ... about forty lbs at 26" but its a nice easy drawing bow and its pretty quick. .... i have some stufff left it is very ruff yet . But after sanding and doing the handle and maki g the tips a little prettier . It will be a nice bow ... it is 69" tip to tp 1 - 7/8 at fades tapering to 1/2 " by 1/2" at the tips.  And its like an inch thick tapering to a half inch at tips . Cypress is not hard wood by any means and i actually should habe left it even thicker for more wieght ... but it is weird wood cause even though its light it shoots fast and the arrows have good penatration ... enjoy the progress pics ...

 Ps. Notice the hard core s snaking it did.    Lol . But the string runs through the handle area nicley and it shoots good . But man ... end to end ..... akward .
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)

Offline rockrush69

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Re: sinew backed cypress bow almost done. actually shoots great !
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2013, 01:56:47 am »
Oh yeah ... cause of the sinew backing . After unstru g for a few mins ... there is no set at all ... but i unstrung it and snapped a pic right away above here . And there is a little bit right at first but after five mins . The si ew pulls it back . The sinew has only been on there for nine days so ... im not goi g to be bendi g it anymore for about a month. At least .
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)

Offline BowEd

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Re: sinew backed cypress bow almost done. actually shoots great !
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2013, 01:46:24 pm »
Glad you got a bow.Congrats.Don't see too many cypress bows on here.You'd been better off letting that bow dry for at least a month[don't know how thick of sinew you put on there] even before the bending you did to it.Let me know how that bow feels in the hand after the arrow leaves.
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Offline Joec123able

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Re: sinew backed cypress bow almost done. actually shoots great !
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2013, 02:23:14 pm »
Nice job never seen a cypress bow other then Ed Scott's
I like osage

Offline rockrush69

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Re: sinew backed cypress bow almost done. actually shoots great !
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2013, 02:39:00 pm »
The bow has good cast and zerow hand shock.  It is a very light wood.  Its awsome.  I drew it one more time for this picture today . And now its getting put away up in a closet on its back.  And it will sty there for atnleast a mo th ... maybe three to six months. 
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)

Offline rockrush69

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Re: sinew backed cypress bow almost done. actually shoots great !
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2013, 02:44:18 pm »
I may pull it out in a few weeks though and put an arrow shelf into it ( a shallow one ) and leather grip it and maybe even file tips smaller and lightly and evenly sand it a bit . And oil the belly and paint traditional seminole tribal art on the back ...  ... in A month or so i will poly it. With 2 coats to protect the knox glue.  And then. It will be complete . And for sale . :)
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)