Well I finished the backing yesterday afternoon using TB III with no wrapping, only stroking and petting until I determined It was satisfactory. I retired to rest early and awoke at 3:30 this AM. All looked well so I trimmed the excess with my Bessie and used a fine double cut Nicholson, then 220 grit to smooth it all down. It looks good

. Looks like no air bubbles anyway. The only area that didn't hold down solid was the very bottom of the lower limb tip where I plan on adding tip overlays so I consider it a success. Next time I may use a rubber band right at the tip nocks.
I've plenty of rawhide remaining and am going to use the Dean Torges guide with hide glue on my next attempt which will likely be another of my osage staves. Although my next project is final tiller on a 57 1/2" ntn osage and backing it with sinew to try to get a safe 28" draw from it.
And since I haven't posted this one yet, here's a pic of a 64" NTN 45@28 take down osage that I'm just finishing.