I don't try and get mine center shot but I do eliminate some of the fad out on the top limb
arrow side and increase a little on the other to move it over some,with the snaky stuff I
usually use most people never notice.I sometimes cut a small shelf but mostly just take it out
of the sight window.I put a piece of leather or wood under the grip for a shelf.GregB has
started doing what Ryan dose by leaving the handle full with until tillered and then cutting
them to center and I know they are nice to shoot that way but I am so use to shooting a non center bow I don't think it would help me much.I may try that some day just to see. I
know it will change your shooting,when I use to swap back and forth from a center shot
Recurve I would shoot the recurve 3or4 inches to the right and when I picked up my self bow I would be left till I got use to one or the other.I try and make all of my bows about the same
so there isn't much adjustment when shooting a different bow.I swap a lot.
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