Have you ever had a bow get so thin it starts to get a little scary? I'm working on one now that is getting to that point. It is heat treated black locust that is 52" ntn. It has a small stiff handle on it so I made the limbs 2" wide at the fades going straight for half the limb lenght then tapering down to about 3/8" about 2" from the tips where I flipped them. I am aiming for 30# @ 25". Right now I have it drawing 30# at 17", this is where I ended up in length when I pulled the bow back to the weight I want while modifying the tiller and not working the weight down. The thinnest parts of the limbs are down to 3/16" before I start getting into the crown. Since I got it to this point I have scraped it several times and the weight has not changed noticeably, maybe a couple pounds. I'm just curious if anyone else has had a bow end up with limbs this thin? I can't wait to see how thin this bow ends up being.