Author Topic: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?  (Read 6936 times)

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Offline rockrush69

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does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« on: September 20, 2013, 02:20:06 pm »
Hello what's going on guys? I have a bow that was already back with sinew about a year ago .... it is made of hickory and its kinda light in weight ... my question is ... if i add more sinew now after it is and has been already backed with sinew will that raise the draw weight of my bow ? I would like to go from aroumd 35# up to 40-45#
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)

Offline Tom Leemans

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 02:21:12 pm »
I don't see why not.


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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2013, 02:25:08 pm »
If done right sure...but that's the key must be evenly applied and same amount to both limbs,so yo don't have to retiller much if any at all....if your sloppy about it you will have to retiller and lose any weight you gained negating any benefits....and a sinewed hickory would be my last choice of bows to hunt with and use in Florida(jus my two cents there)

Offline rockrush69

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2013, 01:42:09 am »
I know ... its a backing wood with backing on it ... lol. ... it was one of my first bows from a few years ago . And its my dads and he wNts it heavier.  So ......
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)

Offline huisme

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2013, 01:56:29 am »
I think it's more because Hickory and sinew both work better in low humidity. Hickory needs lower moisture content than most woods to perform well, and sinew expands/relaxes in moist air.
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Might as well make them short, save some wood to keep warm.


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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2013, 03:33:26 am »
Yep just start another..... ;)

Sinew actually has very low stretch resistance meaning that you would have to add a large amount to get a 15# raise in me you would need close to 100 grams in my experience. Sinew/glue is way heavier than wood 1.3sg this combined with the low stretch resistance would likely just make your bow sluggish.

In the time it takes to shred all that sinew, apply it and then let it cure  (a couple of months at least) you could have made many more self bows! Heck I reckon I could knock up a 50# selfbow in the time it took to just shred the sinew...... :)

Offline okiecountryboy

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2013, 06:11:40 am »
Original Question....
Backing of most any kind doesn't raise weight much at all.  Good for preservation, i.e. less chance of breakage or raising a splinter.

At the weight you are currently at...Make a new bow as mentioned earlier.


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Offline Pappy

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2013, 06:26:51 am »
How long is the bow  n-n and what is your dad's TRUE draw length,maybe you could pike it that will add weight quicker than sinew and not add mass weight,not to mention much easier. ;) ;D ;D
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Offline BowEd

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2013, 07:05:09 am »
Backing will raise draw weight if you put the proper amount of reflex to it as you do it.The more reflex,the more energy storage.Putting sinew on a reverse profile to make it do it's fair share of the work in otherwords,and use hide glue please.You should see the difference.At this stage of your bow piking or a new bow would be faster as said earlier.
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Offline rockrush69

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2013, 02:55:39 pm »
Its an old bow . And it has been finished for a long time.  I already added sinew . And processing and glueing sinew on only takes me maybe an hour . ( not including dry time ) its my dads bow and only gets shot every few months . I had tons of sinew so i went ahead and just added a thick cable of sinew down the center of the back . As to raise it in the middle and make it a little more arrow dinamic . Also had some compression cracks on belly so i wrapped it on both limbs ( just for looks only top limb needed it )  now it will sit for a while ... maybe three or four months . And it only had one layer of sinew before.  So .... i dont think another layer would hurt . But we will see . Rather than cuting it down to make it shorter ... i will just leave it alo e at this point and make him anothrr one ... i am going to cut down five mulberry trees today ! So .... i will have some bow wood soon .  Thanks for all the tips guys ... as always i habe learned alot from the masters . :)
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)

Offline BowSlayer

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2013, 06:41:33 pm »
would cuting it down in length be an option?
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Offline rockrush69

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2013, 03:06:22 pm »
Naaaa ... its a finished bow . And because of it already being sinew backed and seasoned for a year . I added more waited a month ... and shot it yesterdY ... it did raise the wieght alot . From 35# to 55#  im very happy with the turn out . :)
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)

Offline mullet

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2013, 05:23:49 am »
Just my opinion, take it for what it's worth, but living in Florida I wouldn't waste the sinew or use hickory for anything but BBQ'ing pork ribs. My first hunjting bow was hickory, 70#. I've seen it shoot like it was 35# by 10 in the morning when the Temperature and humidity really started kicking in gear.

 If I backed it with anything it would be Bamboo.
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Offline BowEd

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2013, 06:03:26 am »
You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Offline rockrush69

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Re: does adding more sinew raise draw weight ?
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2013, 01:20:16 am »
I dont know ... maybe its thw poly urithain that i seal my bows with . But i have 2 hickory bows one with sinew one without.  Both shoot every day and have nevet had a problem.  And im on the gulf pretty much as far south on the west of fl. You can go ..  very humid here.  Idk . Maybe i just lucked out . :) as for sinew . I have a hook up ... i have way more than i know whT to do with .... but i fou d a few folks on here that wanna trade some sinew for chert so finalyy i can put all this stuff to use . My butcher friend gives me about 40 leg tendons at a time every few weeks. 
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)