Ok, another 6 hours straight making a work bench then Draw knifing, rasping and sanding until i got dizzy... literally i was so dehydrated that i nearly passed out a couple of times.....
But putting in the elbow grease was worth it

I got the stave worked down to my dimensions some progress with the handle and thinned the limbs down to 9/16" give or take a thou of an inch...

It's starting to bend against the floor and i feel ready for the bends tomorrow... Got to make a bloody frame to bend it over first unless i can find anything around the house with a nice radius that i can clamp to.....
I'm going to start a new thread for the rest of the build...... and post some pics of progress.... BTW Does anyone know if all the osage dust can do me any harm? i havn't been wearing a mask....its too hot here i tried but couldn't breathe from the heat........??