Author Topic: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?  (Read 21754 times)

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Online sleek

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Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« on: September 16, 2013, 04:16:09 am »
My first bow was this elm sapling that after about half a hunting season popped a splinter on the back. I think it did that because I left the bark on it. I laig some doe belly skin with Knox brand gelatin glue.  It was 50@24 and 46 inches ntn. The limbs were parallel all the way to the tip at 1.5 inches wide at the nocks. I couldnt have been more proud to have made this bow. I was fairly powerful, putting field points through both sides of an empty 2 liter that was just sat on the ground.

So here is my first, what was yours? I was lucky enough my first survived, but I would like to see every bodies first attempt broke or not and if it did break, their first to survive.

Made Nov 18 2009

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Offline huisme

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 05:10:44 am »
I deleted the pics cleaning things up a while ago, but my first was a fifteen pound black locust recurve, sapwood on, with a gigantic handle and cut in shelf. Nowadays my handles are about one inch wide, and I put little strips of leather on for customers  ;)
Black locust. Black locust everywhere.
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Might as well make them short, save some wood to keep warm.

Online sleek

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 05:26:36 am »
Its fun sometimes looking back at how we have progressed over time.
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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Offline twisted hickory

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2013, 06:28:42 am »
My first picts got lost when my computer crashed a few weeks ago. My nephew in Iowa has it. It is rawhide backed hickory 50 in kids bow. It shoots good for a first bow.

Offline toomanyknots

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2013, 09:36:42 am »
I honestly don't even remember. It was either an ash bow, or a sinew backed osage limb, with asymmetrical (in other words, crappy) tiller. One of the first bows I made also was an ash (I think, don't know for sure) bow like 50" or so long, that pulled 60# or so at 26" I think. It was a weird bow. It chrysaled a bit. I used to make honey suckle bows when I was younger though. I made a bow out of a dead limb off the ground one time when I was like 14 or so, tied thick hemp cord onto it, haha. It's funny what works out when you don't know no better.
"The way of heaven is like the bending of a bow-
 the upper part is pressed down,
 the lower part is raised up,
 the part that has too much is reduced,
 the part that has too little is increased."

- Tao Te Ching, 77, A new translation by Victor H. Mair


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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2013, 10:07:14 am »
Osage.  58" ttt.  Around 57 lbs at 27".  Built it in 1995 I think.  Great little bow.  Much more a testament to the teacher I had helping me build the bow than my skills, as I had none.  Also it's Osage, so it allowed me to get away with imperfect tiller.  Over built as well, 2 inches wide and tapers to 7/8" tips.  It was the next 3 or 4 that sucked, as I thought I knew how to make bows after building ONE!  Back then, I thought I knew that I knew.  Now I know that I don't know.  :)
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Offline 4dog

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2013, 10:21:58 am »
Finished july 2013, 62" / 63# @27.5" osage
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Offline Josh B

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2013, 10:22:17 am »
SlimBob, I know exactly what you mean.  It sure is funny how the more I learn the less I know.  I don't have any pics of my first bows.  Just imagine, a willow pole about 4' long and 1" thick with the upper limb untouched with the bark on it, and the bottom limb shaved down to roughly match the thickness taper of the upper limb with no regard for following a growth ring for the back.  String was bankline string.  Arrows were willow shoots with duct tape fletchings.  Needless to say, they were pretty crude and rarely lasted a month before they folded up.Lol! Josh

Offline BOWMAN53

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2013, 11:56:01 am »
I broke mine on purpose cuz i never wanted to see such a hideous bow like that again. 


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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2013, 12:19:32 pm »
Mine was a 60" sinew backed hickory flat bow. My buddy has it and shoots it still. That was roughly 10-12 years ago, cant remember for certain. Mickey Lotz helped me get started.
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Offline killir duck

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2013, 12:52:15 pm »
i built my first when i was 6 years old, a little elm branch, duct tape and some baler twine it only lasted about 3 shots but i was hooked and have been ever since.
PRIMITIVE ARCHERY what other way can you play with sticks and rocks all day and not look like a little kid

Every time i shoot at a bunny i recall the wise words of Elmer Fudd "I've got you now you waskally wabbit!"

Offline bushboy

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2013, 03:40:12 pm »
Some like motorboats,I like kayaks,some like guns,I like bows,but not the wheelie type.

Offline The Gopher

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2013, 03:58:51 pm »
i don't think there are any pictures...much for the better i think!
45# at 27"

Offline IdahoMatt

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2013, 04:51:16 pm »
Here is my very first.  It is about 32" long and pulls maybe 7# at  12".  Tiller is way off but man I sure was pumped that it worked kinda ::).  Made this one about a year and a half ago.

Offline 4dog

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Re: Here is mine, what was your very first bow?
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2013, 05:05:09 pm »
Bushboy what was the drawweight on that work of art?  >:D
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