Author Topic: Calling UK primitives  (Read 2689 times)

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Offline markinengland

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Calling UK primitives
« on: December 05, 2007, 05:25:26 pm »
The primitive movement is growing in the UK. if you are interested in primitive archery. atl-atl, bushcraft etc then please send me an email at
I'll put you in contact with the PAAS and a number of exciting events planned for the near future.
Would be good to meet, camp, chat and share a beer with you over a campfire.

Offline markinengland

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Re: Calling UK primitives
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 08:12:06 am »
Some info on planned events.

Hi Folks just to let you know what is happening....

PAAS Membership
We have PAAS membership cards...the  membership will be 12GBP as per SPTA and carries the same T&Cs. The membership will run to March 2009 to bring it up to the so you are getting 3 and a bit months free this year. Membership form on the PAAS website

PAAS does not have a bank account so cheques payable to SPTA please. If you send cash by ordinary post it is at your own risk.

For  now I have arranged with Hilary that she will hold the finances and we can go cap in hand if we need stuff for events. I think this is sensible for our current size but I'm open to suggestions.

Niall is planning an ISAC and field atlatl shoot at Buxted in February. We have done a couple of full field shoots and they are great fun. It's worth coming along to see Niall's spectacular megafauna targets.

We are invited to Forest Knight's rather fine woods just outside Arundel for the weekend of 11 Jan. Please let me know whether you are coming and I'll collate the head count for Wayne.
Wayne - can you let us know details (parking arrangements, can we camp on friday night, contributions towards the rent etc)

I'm waiting to hear from Georgia about our stay at Flag Fen in February. I know we are all looking forward to an ice age weekend in the roundhouse.As soon as I have more details I'll pass them on.

The primitive weapons weekend at Flag Fen will be the weekend after August Bank holiday. Things will be run a little differently this year but we should all enjoy it as much as last year. There is a facebook even for those who are social networkers...go to events and search for Flag Fen.

Mark and I are planning to progress a possible event at Butser Ancient Farm at some stage next year. They have said that it is possible but it looks like they may need nudging forwards. Next step is a site visit to try to move things along. I think that may have to wait until the new year now because I'm working between York and Taunton and between the travelling and the working I'm not getting a lot of time.

The next event I will be at will be the Christmas Friendly (The Mince Pie Shoot) at the Company of 60 in Leatherhead.

Other News
While it was a shoot open to all the SPTA classes the Primitive Bows made a good showing at the SPTA Venison shoot on 25th November. Hilary got us all together for a photoshoot at the end. I expect that may be making an appearance on the website in due course. Well done to Peter and Mark who took home some slabs of meat. I managed not to take the booby prize either for lost or destroyed arrows or for the lowest score...makes a change - H must be slipping  ;) The next SPTA shoot will be the St Georges in April I expect. If you can get to that one - do. A bit of a field shoot and some archery games as well as the french army at a ridiculous distance...

The main mailing list here is all the people who have so far expressed an interest, I think, if I have missed anyone off I please let me know. If you are on here by mistake and don't want to be please let me know. If you would prefer to be BCC'd (so others can't see your contact details) also let me know. I'm currently looking for a mailing list hosted service but now that CoolLists is no longer taking new  applications I'm a bit stuck. If anyone knows of any decent hosted mail list services give me a shout. If not it might have to be MSN. I've done a couple of those but they didn't get a lot of traffic.

There are a core of us who know one another quite well but if you feel like introducing yourself please do...