really like this bow style..

Hope you don't mind but i have a Couple of questions?
Why are you shooting for such a low draw weight? any specific reason.. Does it have anything to do with what this recurve design will take i.e. max weight for this design at this length ?
I have an Osage stave on its way and will be shooting for a similar style but my stave is only 64" and i was wanting to shoot for a draw weight close to 60#....
Ive been told that this is easily obtainable with good Osage..... I may be looking at 62" NTN with my build..
I specifically want my bow as a hunting bow...
am i possibly aiming for the wrong style?
Should i forget about recurving tips and stick with a pyramid or Flat-bow Design? Would you typically get more power from a pyramid / flatbow than a recurve of the same NTN dimension or does this have no bearing.
Basically with a short Stave what design will give me more power? Recurve, Flat, Pyramid or other?
Any help with answers much appreciated?