Seabass (Steve) told me that he had Mr. Halverson make a throwing hawk head and that it was in the mail. I had to make the trip to town to mail a package this morning. On the way through town I met Hawk Huston coming out of one of the side streets and he followed me to the Post Office. Meeteetse's Post Office is a small affair with a section for personal mail boxes and some larger ones for packages. That part of the office is separate from the main room. Well, much to my delight there was a package from Seabass for me. I had Hawk open it and we found a beautiful hawk head. We were really impressed with it and I was tickled to receive such a gift. I put the open box with the head in it on the corner of the work table out of the way and went on in through the door to put together a small mailing priority box. It took me several minutes to fold and address the box and pay for the postage. When I started out of the building I found the box with the head was gone! My first thought was who would take something like that in broad daylight with lots of traffic in and out. The Post Master found the box and its packing in the garbage can. Someone had just plain stolen the hawk! I knew Houston was doing some log work at the local cemetery located just out of town. I drove out there hoping Hawk had just pulled a prank on me and had the head. No such luck and now I am feeling lower than whale dung! On my way back through town I decided to stop back by the Post Office to see if there were any cameras located in the small lobby! When I went in the Post Master came out with the hawk and said some fellow had brought it back saying he thought someone had just forgotten it! I never asked who the fellow was, but he must have got to thinking about stealing something in a Post Office and realized there could be some federal charges if he got caught! It was a roller coaster morning of highs and lows. A big thanks to Steve for the gift and an appreciation for Mr. Halverson's skill. A/Ho Joe