Author Topic: posting pictures using photobucket  (Read 1074 times)

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Offline wahcheechoo

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posting pictures using photobucket
« on: September 12, 2013, 11:44:12 pm »
 :oFinally got photobucket and need someone to post a thread to help me work through the quagmire. Any help appreciated. I think you did it for me once pappy but can't seem to locate the thread now :o
Too many darn pigs !

Offline Pat B

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Re: posting pictures using photobucket
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2013, 12:05:27 am »
Photobucket has changed. I can't get a link to copy anymore. It is set up more for social media anymore and not so much for home PCs.  >:(
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Cameroo

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Re: posting pictures using photobucket
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2013, 02:47:34 am »
Pat, I noticed the change a while ago too, but figured out how to change it back.  In the top right corner beside your name, click the down arrow, click "User Settings", and it will take you to a screen saying "Personal Information". Directly below that is a row of tabs.  Click the one that says "Albums".  Now scroll down to where it says "Links - Show these share options for all of my albums", and make sure that "IMG Code" is checked.

Now when you view a photo in your album, you will see a line of code below it (or to the right of it, depending on whether you are browsing an album of viewing a picture) that is labelled "IMG".  All you have to do is highlight that line of text, copy it (I use CTRL+C which is the keyboard shortcut), and then paste that into your post (CTRL+V is the keyboard shortcut to paste).

Wahcheechoo - you can always use the "Preview" button when posting, rather that the "Post" button, and you can see what your post will look like before actually posting it (to see if you are doing the picture posting properly)

Hope that helps!