Ok so I drug out 3 logs of Osage that has been down a while. The prime log was worthless. It was full of bugs and termites to the core. Others I got a couple of spliceable resawn staves out of. Unfortunately i think I messed it up. I think I should have quarter sawn it all and I flat sawed it. Some sections have short run out and old cracks. I'm not certain I'll get more than 3-4 good bows out of it. Then I ruined another pair by the idiotic way I tried to saw it. All of it was bark off. So it's been there a while. I'm not even certain it if is viable bow wood. I see guys make bows from buried posts.
However I went back on those trails and I found something interesting. A HUGE Osage tree was down. some smaller pieces available and I've been dragging a large log the 1 mile hike up hill down hill over the rickety bridge back to the parking lot. It is still green and bark on.
that I'll resaw and quarter saw for bamboo backing. Should get a nice supply of wood for bows. However the REST OF THE TRUNK is up there. It is LONG. I think if I cut it onto 40" sections I could roll them out a few at a time. Diameter is >12".
What is the most efficient man powered way to cut that?