Tried many different things for use as bow scrapers. The thing below is the best so far. It’s handy for tillering since I don’t have to try to find where I misplaced the scraper after using the file.

It was made from a tapered half-round file I liked every much until I dropped and broke it. The steel is very hard but too brittle. Roughed out the scraper edge on a 4”x36” belt sander with silicon carbide belt
s and dunks in water to avoid loss of edge hardness then honed micro bevels with a fine diamond coated stone. Should never need resharpening. Downside is that the file cuts on the pull stroke but I'm getting less variance in thickness across a bow's belly when tillering with it. Had make it a pull cut to get the longest possible straight edge (the file's taper is under the handle wrap). When, not if..., I drop and break it, I’ll make one from a new file which fixes than.