Got a string on this thing today. Next session I will get a shorter string.
This bow is 68" long and I'm hoping for at least 50# @29".
I could use a little advice: The snakey (upper) limb has a trench in the back just below midlimb. There's a pic on page 1. (left limb is upper/snakey)
I'm not sure if that is contributing to some stiffness in that area. But the limb is getting thin midlimb, in my experience, as it is about .6" thick, so maybe .7" or less at the trench area. I'm afraid the trench will come through to the belly if I keep thinning. I'm actually thinning the belly around the trench right now so that a lump is forming, about 3" long, on the belly, as I am thinking I should mirror the back on the belly.
Also the stave is slightly gull-winged with about an inch of reflex. And the wood seems stiff, kinda fighting me. I've been messing with some oak staves and they are much more pliable for their size than this one so maybe that's why I'm thrown off here.
If I heat treat it will stiffen even more.
I guess my question is whether I should bridge that trench with some sinew or something and then either wrap both limbs to match with something or back the whole bow with rawhide, over the sinew?
I can tell by stringing that I'm probably at about 60-70 lbs. right now.
Let me have it.