Yeah i wish i could go up there more often, the woods are awesome! In 2 years when i get my license maybe lol!
Haha Bryce that's what i'm hoping the snowberrys will become...I might try bone broadheads, my dog has enough of em in his stash lol.
Yeah George it seems like every time i tie them they want to kinda spiral, i'll keep an eye for that next time.
That's good to know steve, i've been working on my form for a few weeks now, (since i made this bow) but it's nice to have pics to see what's really going on. My only problem i observed from some other pics is that i'm dropping my bow arm but that'll be fixed lol.
Gabe there's so many deer out here i could sit in my field and probably get 2 before school, but where's the fun in that haha
I also like sapling bows, they're just badass.
Thanks for the nice words guys!