Howdy Fellas,
Just finished up a new Bowie and wanted to share...
I have been dreaming of finding or building a knife I saw back in the early "80's".
It was the Bowie carried by Sam Elliott in at least two different shows, "The Quick & The Dead" and "The Sackett's".
This is the closest that I've been able to come to that design so far.
Blade is a Full Tang Farrier's Rasp Bowie that I got in trade from the forge of Tallpine (Mr. Dan).
Guard is made from a Farrier's Rasp and also came from Dan's forge.
Thank You Sir, I like your work a Lot!

Shed Elk Antler I got in trade some time back.
Pins are German Silver.
The Turquoise is Kingman Green from the Kingman mine in Arizona.
Symbols are a Bear Track, Sign of The Comanche, and Scrolls to hide my wandering drill bit...

And a bit of Latigo leather with artificial sinew and a brass stud.
The design on the sheath is "The Glory of The Maker shining on the Comanche".
Here She is:

Thank You for looking.