You nailed it right on the head guys!! One hell of a day

. I Don't envy your snow blowin Dana - have been on jobs up there this time of year and it just wasn't home

Pat: I really don't consider that a primitive kill since it was (purty much) already down - but what a test for the stone points, that really made an impression on me. Need to harvest one 100 percent primitive - that'll be the ultimate.
Hey Justin, man that's hard to beat havin your brother take up a mutual interest like that. We grew up always in the thick of it - till adulthood and work. Now seems like we see each other every two or three years - I'll call it payback for all the fine fishin he's provided me

You can't deny we're brother Bob - only thing is he's three years my senior but I've got more grey in the ole beard, need to learn how to quit stressing so much. You played a part in that deer's death by the way - recognize those shaft's

Hey Adam - that's not a special bowyer's shop or anything. I started putting it together bout ten years ago, and like most hillbilly's around here it's still half - way there. Most of the roof is there, but their's not walls and yeah all the power tools catch some moisture when it rains - a work in progress, I have too many bow's and arra's to build to worry about finishing it
