I am new the forum and wanted to say hello to everyone.
I am fairly new to knapping. I started in October of 2012 and I am hooked.
I am from Dayton Nevada and have been learning on the stone I have been collecting locally. I started with agate since I knew where plenty of that was to learn on. Around 30 points later I discovered there was small chert nodules in the same area I was collecting the agate.

Things started to get a little easier after that.
I do want to say thank you to Patrick for all of his videos on his Allergic Hobbit site. They are a tremendous help.
Now for a few pictures. 1st one is one of the small nodules of chert. I have no idea what type of chert it is it just works.
The 2nd picture is some of the spalls I get.
The 3rd is some of the points I made in the last week. All raw stone.
I hope that worked.
Majuba Tom