Well, first of all, hi guys! Glad to make my first post. I'm in the process of building the Poor Folk Bows website's "Red Oak Board Bow" build-a-long, and I've hit a bit of a stutter. I guess my main question is, what do I do next? I have TTBB Volume 1 and the chapter on tillering makes it sound so simple, but I'm hesitant to throw away hours of work with 30 minutes of cluelessness. Other questions I have are 1.) How do I know when my bow is ready to actually be braced and put on the short string? 2.) I know there is no set measurement, but how thick would y'all recommend a 72" red oak board bow be from handle to tip? As you can (hopefully) see in the picture, I left the area near the handle very thick on both sides out of fear of making a huge mistake. On that note, these pictures aren't great, if they're not good enough to see the issues I will gladly take more. I'm not really shooting for any specific draw weight, but obviously I would like to be able to hunt this season with it, even if only small game. It is backed with linen, if that changes anything. I would greatly appreciate any help, tips, opinions, and criticism I can coax out of y'all
P.S. Dont laugh too hard at my...."tillering device"......LOL I plan on building a better one when this bow is finished. Also, I can stretch the bow further than in these pictures, but I figured there are enough problems at this stage to let y'all take a look before I get ahead of myself. I plan on building a couple more before winter and its exciting to see how much experience and this forum has been teaching me. Thanks, take care