Author Topic: A few opinions needed on fixing negative tiller  (Read 3277 times)

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Re: A few opinions needed on fixing negative tiller
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2013, 11:42:26 pm »
I honestly would shoot it as it is, I'm sure it will be fine, and you did a heck of a job. I was only nit picking the tiller I promise. I dont understand why in your original post, you were talking about scraping more off the bottom limb though? When I see the top limb as the one that needs it as it is the stronger? And in my very humble opinion, the upper limb would need to bend in the inner third more and the lower could use a scrape or 3 ( literally ) in the outer 1/3. That ( I think ) would bring both limbs symmetrical. But that raises another question to me, why are you trying to make a bow with non symmetrical in length limbs, have a symmetrical tiller? Is there a benefit to this? I would think the longer limb should be stiffer, and that being the case, the bow is on point. Figure out which end likes to be up and shoot her :)

I really hope I didnt come off as a butt in my first post or this one, if so I promise I didnt mean it. )
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