Nice smoothie, Isaac. I run into those makers at the Fort Union event in North Dakota every once in a while. Nice bunch of guys, mostly. Love those butt ugly mule-saddle stirrups they use for trigger guards on those NW Tradeguns.
I'll heed the advice and lay up more stain tonite before I go to bed. I DO like a darker finish.
Sleek, embrace the freedom and get a flintlock.

Make an ugly face at her, stick your tongue out and tell her, "You're not the boss of me!" Establish your overwhelming pre-eminence. Now. You ain't gonna see her for about three days. Don't worry, she isn't gone. Just be patient. And around the end of day three, as the swelling begins to go down you should see her out of the corner of one eye, depending on which side of the head she whalloped you.