There's no real right or wrong with an ELB regarding stiff handle or full compass.
Personally I tend to go full compass, but the grip tends to be slightly stiffer anyhow. If you have a thickness taper going pretty much even from a couple of inches from the centre it will always be slightly stiffer there. Maybe I let it swell up a tad towards the grip but I don't deliberately put in those Victorian dips from grip to limb. (With spliced billets I'd always allow a swell at the grip... and they still explode (bwaaaahhhh

Regarding draw length, I din't mean to take the mickey. It's more a matterof style IMO.
From the pics I've seen on here you guys that side of the pond seem to favour more of a draw to the chin/corner of the mouth? Maybe it's much better for hunting (us wooses in the UK ain't allowed to hunt else nanny gets cross and makes us sit on the naughty step

I was just suggesting tillering to 28" would let you experiment with a longer draw anchoring to the back of the jaw if you fancied it.
A longbow's long limbs have a lot of inertia and a longer draw helps overcome that.
I mean... I ain't going to expect Rich to pull one of his shorties to 28" LOL

I probably draw 27" until I've warmed up, then 28" until I get tired (which is 6 shots later

) then back to 27". I've also tried the full medieval 32" draw and it is really weird, but the eye, brain and body soon adapt and I started hitting the target.
The difference between say 60# @28" and 60# @ 32" is an extra 20% power

No offense was intended

. And you are quite right there's no rules, laws or great reason to tiller it to 28" I just thought once you had it in your hand you might fancy opening up and letting rip.... heck, tiller the sucker to 32"

I couldn't resist this teaser pic of a full compass bow at 32" draw... it's only about 55#, but that loooong draw gives it time to build up the speed and power. No good for huntin' I expect! It's prob' one of my prettiest, if you hold a CD up to the pic it's damn near perfect arc of a circle

(scampers away to hide in secret cat nest)