Author Topic: Looking for somebody in WV. Scored some staves, need to rent some splittin tools  (Read 1408 times)

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Offline bigbird583

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Hey Everybody

Well it's been awhile since I've been on here but you haven't lost me yet.  I've been in the beautiful state of West by God Virginia and now I guess I know why you all call it that.  To a bowyer this state is Heaven.  To a newbie like me, I see all the practice a guy could need. 
My wife and kids came up and stayed thru Summer Vacation and all my spare time was spent with them.  But know they went back to SC for school and I've been busy.  I got to go out to my landlord's place and pretty much take my pick of trees to cut for bows.  I've got two logs each of Elm, Maple, Oak, and Black Locust and he's gonna cut me some Black Walnut and Hickory too.  I feel like it's Xmas. 

So the Oak logs are pretty big and real heavy.  And I was wondering if anybody on here was close to Fairmont WV and would be interested in helping me split a couple logs so they would be easier for me to move around by myself and get loaded for the trip home.  I'll do the work but I don't have any of my tools here to split these with.  I'd be willing to share in the bounty if you wanted but if you live here you probably already have everything I got.  But the offer is out there if anybody has time, shoot me a PM. 

I also had a welder buddy of mine build me a vice mount that plugs into my receiver hitch.  Pretty sweet, just open the hatch of my Jeep,(instant shade) plug it in and it's got adjustable height for different things.  Makes it pretty cool for me to work on bows wherever I'm at.  Now I just need a tillering tree on the receiver and I'll be hooked up.

Now I know I could do a search and find what I need but It's late and I gotta get up in the morning, so hoping for a just a quick answer.  Is Black Locust one of the woods that I get to chase a ring in the heartwood of the tree or am I thinking wrong?

I hope everybody has had a good summer and I also hope to maybe meet another bowyer from here in WV.  Take care everybody.



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I'm an hour forty five minutes+ north of Fairmont in pa...I was possibly gonna be down in wv for the weekend,but its not looking like its gonna happen....BUT....splitting your logs up into manageable pieces for you to move shouldn't be too hard to do....a sledge hammer and some wedges is all you need...splitting wood isn't rocket science....swing and hit ;) ...I'm sure there's some good ole boys around down there that have some and would let ya borrow them,or go to a hardware store and buy some,and swing and hit;). And only the locust will be best to chase a heartwood ring...the rest you pull the bark off and that's the back of your bow

Offline bigbird583

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Thanks Blackhawk, I thought there was somebody that lived here close from one of my other posts.  As soon as I saw your name I remembered it was you.  I talked to my landlord again today and he has what I need to split em, was kinda hoping to meet another bow builder.  Thanks for all the info, I think it was you that kinda gave me a heads up on what kinda wood you all have around here.  I'm pretty stoked that I got all these staves.



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The only two natural materials bowyers I know of in west by god is Art Butner(artcher1) and Roy Steele...but Art is just as far away from Fairmont as I am,and Roy is south and west I believe by an hour n a half...too bad ya didn't come back on here sooner....Roy(different Roy from pa) and I were down by wheeling all last weekend at a shoot .....and yes our region is chockfull of many many woods  :D     trees are a penny a dozen around here  8)

Offline crooketarrow

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  BIG BIRD I also live WV. EASTERN PANDLE BERKELEY CO. couple hours for FAIRMONT. I have buck hunted up that way quite a few times. Or I'd let you use what you need.  I don't need the staves but I glady help you out with the tools. Your right about the kinds of woods we have.
  I split way more than my share every winter of OSAGE,MALLBERRY, A LOT OF HICKORY SOME ELM AND A COUPLE OTHERS.