Well it's a bow, but missed my challenge by 2/3 pounds

I took the photos without any final finish so ya could see that there was no hanky-panky goin on. So here's the spec's. 33 1/2 inches ntn, 42/43# at 17" (low weight). It has a mass weight of 5-5/8 ounces (1267 grains) . the physical size is: width, center-.99", midlimb .94", tip .468" and thickness is: center .426", midlimb .398, tip .263.
The last 2 pics will show the arrow length to the color band (17-1/2") and the weight of the bow. if ya got any questions or I forgot something please let me know. I am thinking of putting a nice bull-snake skin on it, after I decide wether or not to sinew back it, because to be truthfull I'm bummed about missing weight, that bites.