So here is the rest of the story:
There's so much to this bow that made her fitting for my brother. He's had a rough life (a lot of it self-inflicted from his younger years), and has paid his dues for certain. For reasons i shall not go into, he cannot carry firearms, hence he can't hunt with'em. So i told him i'd make him a bow (his actual hunting bow is forthcoming). Anyhow, he's now on phase two of his life, and is taking advantage of the second chance (hence the name).
As for the Native American symbols, we are part Choctaw with sprinkling of Cherokee, so i used stuff that was particular to them where i could, but it seems a lot of it was universal.
upper limb represents more of the spiritual aspect of life, the things that matter the most.
Reading from grip to tip:
*alternating 1/2 diamonds-- represents life path/journey
*tipi/tepee/teepee -- represents a temporary home (a reminder of our temporal existence)
*morning stars with sunrise -- represents Guidance (to be sought from above)
*medicine-man's eye/eye of God -- represents watchfulness and wisdom
*butterfly -- represents everlasting life
*broken arrow -- represents peace (in this case the spiritual peace I wish for him)
*sun -- represents happiness (in this case true spiritual/eternal happiness that I wish for him)
lower limb is more focused on his journey through this life and is pertains more to specific events/changes in his life:
*horse -- represents his journey
*coiled/uncoiled snake (Choctaw) bordered by ropes -- represents his warrior nature and the various forms of captivity (spiritual, emotional, physical, external/internal, self and otherwise inflicted/imposed)
*eagle -- represents freedom
*rattlesnake jaw -- represents strength (to overcome)
*broken arrow (again) -- here is to represent the peace that i hope he can have in this life
*thunderbird tracks -- represent bright prospects, in life and i hope on the hunt!
*sun (again) -- to represent the happiness and fulfillment I wish for him in this life
Guess I coulda called this a medicine bow, there's lotsa good medicine here.

I know, Ima sap