Sounds equally as possible as holding the World's Championship Downhill Ski Races in Naples, Florida, right?

But here it is, three sticks of v.m. The longest is 89" long and 3 1/2 inches thick on the narrow end. It was growing smack up tight against a very large wild cherry tree and was running as fast and as hard as it could straight up to catch what sunlight it could.

The two shorter ones are about 68" long, one has some chatter marks on one end from the chain saw, but I still got plenty of meat to make a bendy handle something-or-other.

I got the ends sealed with wood glue (TBII), and I hope to be able to get the bark off and sawn into splits soon. Of course, sealing the backs will follow.
Those of you on the West Coast are scratching your heads and wondering just how bad global climate change has to get before v.m. grows in ND. My brother from Kelso/Longview brought it out for me.