a while back Don Carter gave me a hickory stave, that had been cut and sealed back in '08. While finishing the 2 Odawa presentation bows decided to make me one (since I didn't have any of my bows anymore) to hunt with this fall.
The bow is hickory, generic Easter Woodland, and 48 inches long (ntn), weighs between 47/48 @ 25" and just a tad over 50# @ 26". Paint is ground earth pigment, and charcoal both mixed w/perch eggs (simmered to form a binder). The bow was finished with the usual pitch/deer fat/ beeswax. The paint was applied with a "rag" made from some thin leather scrap.
It has no appreciable set, shoots very hard and has a real smooth draw. Another example of some crummy no-good white wood bow, eh
PS: I had another post a while ago and someone asked for dimensions but I had sent the Chickasaw bow all-ready.... if anyone would like dimensions from this bow....or the 43" Ironwood and 46" osage Odawa presentation bows please advise. I can still measure these.