Author Topic: Finished First Bow  (Read 3251 times)

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Offline wood_bandit99

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Re: Finished First Bow
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2013, 03:39:25 pm »
That tiller looks good. My first bow wasn't that good. My second would rival that though ;) for a 30" draw in a regular american flat bow design I would have that bow between 72"-64" around there. The tips could have been thinner but with them being the way they are I would put on a fast flight string. With it being an English longbow and 30# at 30" I would cut it down 2" for every 5# you want it higher. So if I was doing a 45# bow I would cut that 3" off each end. I wouldn't make it any shorter than 72" unless you are not drawing it the full 30" it could get 2" shorter for each inch shorter draw length. Nice looking bow though!
Yew and osage, BEST. WOODS. EVER! Shoot straight my friends!!!

Offline tallpine

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Re: Finished First Bow
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2013, 04:21:40 pm »
Excellent job on your first bow. I wouldn't do anything to it but shoot it.