8/12/2013 7:00 am cut, sealed ends and took to my shop.
Not as big as i wanted, the one on the right is the bottom log, middle log is the top, the left log is the middle cut from the tree.
there all 6' + long

Split the bottom log (the one at the ground) in half, and split one of those in half

Split the log in the middle of the tree in half, it's about 6" O.D.

Split the log at the top of the tree in half, it's about 5" O.D.

First stave debarked

The bark is about 3/4" thick, as you start trimming it, some knots show threw.

Under the bark is a grey/sliver color that is very soft and thin and wet, under that is the wood that is cream color. lot's of pin knots
This stave has been sealed.

Shows the wood, the grey under bark, and the bark
The soft silver wood comes off very easy, but the pin knots are everywhere .

I tried to split one of the half log and it split and ran off one edge of the stave before it got to the end. so i got 3 staves out of the bottom log.

3 staves sealed and the bark trimmings.

8/12/2013 11:00 AM My under ware and T shirt are soaked and wet, the humidity and heat have taking it all from me, I'am pooped out.
I cleaned the bark up off the floor, and took it outside.
I will try some more in the morning .