Well I know this sounds idiotic, but I am thinking of actually doing this. I have leaks on both sides of my basement, which is where I do all my bandsawing and stuff, so I really have to get these leaks taken care of. My landlord (we rent) ran a downspout to take the water in the gutters a little ways away from the leak on the outside (not really far enough of course), and had me try to fix the leak on the outside. Which didn't really do nothing of course. I have patched the cracks the water is coming in on the inside with some quikcrete hydrolic cement, but the water still seaped in real bad. So I went over that with some thuroseal, which is supposed to stop water seaping, and it still seaps right through. I know the gutters probably need to be cleaned out on the other side, but that side of the house is sort of my neighbors yard, and I don't know when they would let me clean them out, plus I really need my landlord to do it anyway because I don't have a ladder anyway. And I don't know when he will feel like doing it. If I had access to both sides of my house, I would make a big ramp for the water to flow down away from the house, but I don't. Anyway, since I am out of ideas, and I have a good amount of titebond 3, I was thinking of just painting a couple layers of the stuff over the thuroseal. The stuff seems to seal in moisture when I try to use it for sinewing, no matter what I do, so I figure it might help with the seaping water maybe? Is this a dumb idea, lol?