What do you mean by crazy flat?
And what do you mean by thin?
Sorry..can't help ya much unless I can understand what you mean...
Squirellslinger....let's see your locust bows...how do you know locust isn't as strong in tension as elm or hickory?...and let's see some elm and hickory bows to compare to your locust bows...oh and I wanna see some gorilla tape backed bows too...lol 
ill post a gorilla tape backed bow... and i know locust isn't as good in tension as hickory or elm cause i have broken almost every locust bow I try...
and it isn't cruddy tillering.
i might make a fiberglass backed board bow.
i made an elm bow, its 56" long, pulls 29# @27"... i made it for a friend of mine's little brother. it was made from a 2" elm limb with a knot every 2 inches, with recurved tips and its only 1 3.8ths wide.
I really, really, really messed up the tiller... but after almost 400 shots... i think it isn't gonna break.
i really need to fix the camera. Mom isn't home(or more accuratly she doesn't bring her camera home) during the day... and I am not home in the evenings.... out biking or slinging...
i do have a gorilla tape backed bow. pics when i get a camera...