The short answer is yes, not all aluminum is soft. I've made reasonable arrowheads from both 6061-T6 and 7075-T6. Depending on your purpose for the heads is where the difficulties are gonna pop up their ugly heads. I used 5/16" thick 6061 to make some broadheads they held up well but you would have to seriously look at their heavy-bone durability. I have also made target points from them similar to bodkins in shape and they worked very well, they will not take a lot of repeated cement etc. hits.
Basically, unless you want to make them "just because" have fun, but for some tough hunting probably pick something else like barrel banding or high carbon steel. Would killing with them be possible ya got to say yes cause the structural aluminum is tougher than bone (when reduced to a arrowhead) and Natives have filled their pots for centuries with bone heads. But ethically, you do have other and better choices.
Just one old mans thoughts on it so take it for the little it's worth