(oops this belongs under Bows)
I am making my first bow. I want it to pull about 55 pounds at 29". I guess it's not any particular classic style. I just want a successful bow that shoots well and doesn't break. Right now it's probably overbuilt. 71" nock to nock, 1 and 7/8" at the fades, 7/16" wide at the tips. It's not straight but the string comes across the handle. The stave developed a natural reflex while drying. I have not done any bending of the stave. Here are some pictures. I don't have another bow to judge floor tillering so I think it is too stiff. It takes quite a bit of pull just to get it to begin to bend on the tillering stick. I think about 40 pounds and it's not bent far enough to brace yet.

I once tried to make a bow of ash and it broke. I didn't know muich and think I had a hinge and didn't go slowly.
1) Will I be OK with the natural reflex?
2) Should I bother to try to straighten the bow?
3) Should I take it to desired finish weight at brace height, check the tiller, then take wood off uniformly, get more draw?
Other helpful hints appreciated. This is a great site.