Author Topic: Pedernales Knappin @ Johnson City, TX  (Read 9159 times)

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Offline Chippintuff

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Pedernales Knappin @ Johnson City, TX
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:19:35 am »
2016 Pedernales Knap-In

The 2016 Pedernales Knap-In has been scheduled for April 7-10, 2016.  This is the weekend prior to Nibblet's Bluff Knap-In.

Hello everyone!  I have just finished locking in the dates for the 2016 Pedernales Knap-In and wanted to get this info out quickly.  Most of you are familiar with the location, but just in case you have forgotten, and for all the new-comers, I am including the usual basic local information below:

The Pedernales Knap-In site takes place at the Blanco County Fairgrounds in Johnson City, Texas. This is located on the north end of Johnson City, Texas, on the west side of U.S. Hwy 281, and on the south side of the Pedernales River.

You can preview the site by going to either Google Maps (satellite view) or Google Earth. Navigate to Johnson City, Texas (west of Austin), then follow U.S. Hwy 281 north to the Pedernales River. The rodeo arena is a good, easy to find landmark. You will be able to see the grove of trees between the rodeo arena and the barns.

Knappers have been pleased with this site. We have access to a small covered pavilion (for inclement weather knapping) and a large area between the pavilion and the rodeo arena with several nice shade trees. The Blanco County Fairgrounds offer knappers plenty of parking, easy in-easy out access, several nearby convenience stores and restaurants, electricity for late-night knapping, water faucets, on-site trash dumpsters, and enclosed restrooms. I will rig up a makeshift shower like I did last year. Knappers will be able to camp at their knapping area, in the parking area, or under some of the large live-oak trees near the arena. Alternatively, since the Fairgrounds are adjacent to the Pedernales River, camping is available next to the River if one so desires.

What we don't have on site is motor home/camp trailer electric/sewer hookups. However, there is the nice Roadrunner RV Park (830) 868-7449). It is located 1.5 miles south of the Fairgrounds on the east side of U.S. Hwy 281 and just across the road from the Valero convenience store and gas station. There are also a couple of motels in Johnson City for those who want more comfortable accommodations. They are near the traffic light at the intersection of US 281 and US 290. One is the nearly new Best Western (830) 868-4044 and the other is the older and less expensive Hill Country Inn (830) 868-2614.

We are trying very hard to maintain a cost-effective and affordable Knap-In. There will be no charge for camping. However, all Knappers and/or Vendors will be required to pay a $10 Registration Fee for the event. As usual, we will once again be asking knappers and vendors to donate items for our Saturday afternoon auction/fund raiser to help cover Knap-In expenses.

The Pedernales Knap-In will be open to the public at no charge. Since we are located right on the west side of U.S. Hwy 281 with high visibility and plenty of parking, we hope to attract the public in good numbers. We will also be submitting press releases to the local newspapers to advertise the event.

In closing, we hope to see many of you the second weekend of April, 2016 at the Blanco County Fairgrounds in Johnson City, Texas for the Pedernales Knap-In!!!

Let's Get Crackin'!!!

Ron Fieseler, Chairman

This post copied and pasted here so the folks here can see it too. A lot of you live pretty close to this event, and I think you would enjoy it. Chip rocks, get excellent 1 on 1 coaching, show off your bows etc. A good time will be had by all.