For some reason this line made me chuckle: "Haze and confusion along with blurred vision after a blow to the head can be an indication you are gonna get dead soon."
That's straight from WebMD. Sorry for the loss. I understand that feeling of "I've got to get this done no matter how long it takes or how little sleep I get. I get the mindset from time time......typically mine is not preceeded by a severe concussion but I get it. Good luck with your build and I'm with most of the others. I'm sure most of the guys would be willing to wait a little longer. Poop happens.

I copied this straight from Web MD
Gonna get dead soon.
Blurred vision
Extreme Focus and obsession on a particular task
Likely Causes:
Blow to the head
Fiberglass poisoning
Previous Mental illness
Treatment Options:
See a doctor immediately
Ignore it and embrace the insanity