Thanks for the kind words fellas! I hope the recipient will be pleased. I don't imagine the feathers would be practical in a hunting situation, so they are easily removed. After all, I don't think there is a higher honor than for someone to make meat with my bows.
Rich, I thought you might recognize those feathers. Those are the ones that were a little small for fletching, but too pretty to not use. I still have a bunch of them ready to tie on to my sharp sticks. Thanks for all your help with this Rich. I really appreciate it!
Clint, here is the finish specs- sealer is a blend of spruce pitch and grease heated into the wood. Two coats of raw beeswax complete with bee legs and wings rubbed in on top of that. Does that help ol buddy?

BTW, I believe that I'll filter the beeswax next time, I had a helluva time getting the debris picked out of the wax! Josh