Hey all,
So, I'm planning on making a sinew backed D bow, about 52" long (my first attempt at a bow, so we'll see how this goes). I have a split mulberry stave. I've spent hours reading about making bows, and one thing that has come up quite often is that on the back of the bow, one should carefully remove the bark so as to not touch the actual wood on the back. But, from what I've seen of bows, it seems that they are flat on both belly, back and sides. Plus, given that my stave is 2 inches wide, that would create a roundness that doesn't seem right to me. But, I recently read an article about Native American D bows, where the author said that they didn't worry too much about cutting that wood since it was sinew backed.
So, whats the opinion? Should a sinew backed D bow be left round on the back, or rasped flat?
Also, if anyone has any good articles on constructing D bows, or just about them in general, I'd appreciate a link.