Hey guys. I never did make any of my own bow strings, but I am planning on making a Flemish jig and had a few questions.
First I know that typically you use a string 3" shorter for a longbow, and 4" shorter for a recurve. Now my question is whether or not the jig takes this into consideration. For instance if I have a bow that is 68" between nocks, do I use the peg hole that is labeled 68 or would I use 64" for a recurve? Which would I use if I was making a string for a longbow since there are not odd numbers on most Flemish jigs?
Also looking at the template for making the jig, it looks as if all of the numbered holes come out to be 15" longer than the AMO. I thought that usually 10-12" was standard for having enough to twist the ends.
Here is the template I am referencing to. Seems all are about the same.

I have yet to find anything relating to my questions so any help would be greatly appreciated.