after a couple coats I hit it with #0000 steel wool between coats then I use paste wax
after a couple coats I hit it with #0000 steel wool between coats then I use paste wax
I'm actually thinking of making my own paste wax, I figure the end result will be pure as well as cheaper by a hair or two,

. I got easy access to beeswax, there is a local store that sells locally harvested beeswax for 10 bucks a pound about, which is pretty cheap I think. And woodcrafters got pure gum turpentine I believe, which I am thinking is all I need? I have made it out of oil and beeswax melted together, but I was never really happy with the result. I mean it was a paste wax alright, but I didn't like the feel or look after using it... By the way, anybody ever heard of diatomaceous earth? It's a powder made from fossils of dead bacteria and such, which kills insects by cutting their exoskeletons and drying them out. Supposedly the stuff is sharp and jagged under a microscope, so I was thinking it would make a good rubbing powder, and we happen to have like 20 pounds of the stuff for killing fleas.

I was googling to see if it would work, and it turns out it can be used for a polish, so I might just try it out after I get this bow done, I am on coat 6 right now. This tru oil stuff is sticky as hell,

. How long should I wait before I rub it/polish it? The other thing I was thinking of trying is some of this polish I got at the automotive store, haha. It makes my guitars look just great...