ok, to make up for the lack of pics from the acctual haul i took some pics of me splitting it. in the end i only got one stave and some billits which will make a nice character bow. whats really strange is there were some dark shades on the wood which looked like heartwood but it was on the outside and wasn't all around the stave, just along some of the length? again i don't know what the wood is but the grain was very stringy like hickory

im not sure if it's good for bows but im going to give it a try.

you see what i mean when i said the grain was stringy.

this is one of the billits, see how the darker wood is on the outside, and then stops near the bottom?

again showing the darker wood. this time on the stave.

here is a look at the grain

here is the wedge im using to split the wood into 2 billits.

here is the start of the split

one stave and two billits.

ok here is a look down the stave, you see how it's reflexed in the centre and delflexed at the end, well im thinking of giving the end im holding some deflex to match the other end.
that's all for now. thanks for looking.