I won't be tossing out my plum any time soon. But, I gotta say, Osage is some half way decent bow wood. I'd call it the best of the second string woods (e.g. after Yew and Plum).

Actually, this one nearly gave me ulcers. It all started with this beautiful, 1937 take down by Chester Stevenson.
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,34158.0.htmlI couldn't get that bow out of my head, all year since I first saw it posted. So, when I saw an ugly ole twisted log piece of 'Sage at the local hardwood mill, and especially when I found that it was grown right here in northern California, I had to give it a whirl. Now, this isn't a take down, and its a lot uglier than Mr Stevenson's bow. For starters, it gave me h*ll getting the tips lined up. That's where she got the name. At some point, I though I'd got em lined up, and I tillered and strung it. Well they weren't lined up and that bad boy ripped one of its self nocks clean in half. So one limb is about and inch shorter than the other. I glued up and overlay, but only one. The other tip kept its self nock... hence the name, Ole One Ear. Than, it had some whoop-de-doo's and yee-haws (technical terms for lateral and propeller twist, respectively). Finally when I though I'd scraped and heated and plain willed it into shape, it popped a little crack on one of those growth rings that circumnavigates than handle, right about mid-fade. Well, at this point I said,screw it, you WILL become a bow, and I filled it with superglue (thanks for the suggestions y'all) and clamped her down.
After all that she shoots like a dream. Here's the fun part: 57 ntn, 52 straight line length, 62# @ 29", and just a hair under 1 and 1/8th wide at the fades. Thats what impressed me about the Sage, I can't think of many, maybe any, woods that would give me those dimensions and turn out such a shooter.
As it is, its probably under-built a bit. Here's the pics, with my phone so not as good as usual. Like I said, she's not a looker, but she spits em out fast.

my friend Chris was gonna shoot it in the pic, cause my elbow is bad, but than I couldn't let him. I'll probably regret it in the elbow department.

Well, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Not my favorite tiller, but all she'd let me have. And boy is it a smooth shooter.