I personally don't give a tinker's damn what any body else uses whether it be stone, bone, copper or marshmallows! If it works for you and you're enjoying it, great! I use whatever works and I'm more than happy to expand my options when I'm shown a new way for me to do it. As far as the higher maintenance bit goes, I don't see it. I have used the same whitetail antler billet for three years now. It just keeps getting better with use and zero maintenance. That's why I use it. The solid copper boppers probably would be comparable in longevity, but the copper cap types sure weren't. I guess what I'm trying to say is, use what you want or have. If someone tells you what your using isn't what they think you should use, tell em to go pound rocks! Then pick up your tools and do the same. I'm interested in learning as many techniques as I can. All the debating over this subject does is detract from the learning experience. Here's my old antler billet, plain simple and beat up. I don't use it because I think I'm above using copper. I use it cause it works for me with no maintenance whatsoever. Rant over. Josh