well.. I may have waited longer than planned,,,was at n'eastern for two weeks then catchin up round here but today split the hornbeam and the hophornbean,, the hop was smaller diameter but longer and split easier...I started at the end an let them split natural like,,I'm really not sure what I have lol. the hornbeam, (the smooth barked ironwood) was ,,is, so stringy.. but there's alot there the other ironwood with the lil bark on it (hophorn) sorta split around the middle,leavin half with the center in it (if that makes sense.. I painted the ends an put them hanging up in cellar...truth is they about whipped me afore I got them split..prolly should cut to length first,but not sure what part I might be able to use,, guess I got a lil time before they dry give me time to figure out how to go from here...wish I could see it once.readin up don't much help,,jus can't "get it" yup sad ..but that's how I is,, If I can get some pics I'll try to post, you guys always need a laugh..! any clue how long it'll be before dry enough? and did I wait to long to split them? must be just a month since cut them. thanks!