First off I have had many health issues that I have had to over come. First I had Lyme disease 14 years ago that I have fully recovered from and recently a twisted knee from the course at the classic. So starting around the 14th of May I started my workout for this Elk hunt. I have never gone on an elk hunt so I have very little knowledge of what I am doing but this is what I have done up till now. Most of the hikes are done very fast to keep heart rate @130-160 per min with short runs to keep the heart rate up. I have no idea if this is going to be helpful to me but thought I would post it to reflect on later after the hunt.
14th off crutches
15th walked 50yards
Walked to end of driveway
May16th, 2/10 of a mile walk
May 19t, shot archery course 2 mile hike with Paul.
May 22 , ran Alaskan chainsaw mill for 2 hours good workout!
New Mexico, hike high altitude
May 24, 2 miles on one day
May 25, 4 the next day
Light walking last week of May to build leg/knee muscles
June week 1 total 10 miles walk, without pack for 5 miles then other 5 with pack
Week 2, total 25 miles run, hike with pack and trail shooting at archery course.
June 9th , shot archery course with Paul.
June 13, gun training with 44/ran archery course with pack and shot bow.
Week 3, total 35 miles
Run, hiked with pack shot course etc.
No training
June 21 shopping for trip, stayed in hotel returned 22nd
Week 4 of June total 21 miles, with running hiking, and archery course work
June 23, Shot archery course with Paul.
June 25-27
8.5 mile hike with 40# pack
2mile hike
8.5 mile return with pack total of 19 miles
First week in July/hill work
July 1st, 1.5 mile run with 1 mile walk
July 2, 3.5 mile hike with Scott.
July 4th, 8 mile bike ride
July 5th, 5 mile run hike with 20# pack
July 6th hill run with Isaac 1.5 with 1 mile walk at end.