Ooohuhuhu... I hate seeing stuff like this. I've noticed that there isn't a whole lot of garbage laying around most places here in (more rural) Finland, mostly because recyclables have a pant when they are returned to stores for recycling and most paper waste is used for burning in saunas and central heating, but what I do see so much more of is graffiti. And it's like.. even prehistoric cave paintings aren't even safe, people destroy those with graffiti too, easily most of the younger generations because the older ones have respect for nature. I admit, I can simmer low with garbage laying around, just pick it up and have my grumble about it. But seeing stuff vandalized and graffiti'd, I'll go full blown EDP if I see that happening.
"This is why we can't have nice things." It only takes a few dummies to ruin it for the rest of us. :\