Author Topic: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did  (Read 13643 times)

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Offline stickbender

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #45 on: July 06, 2013, 10:11:53 pm »

     Dang, Spider man is real!  :o   ;D ;D
Yep remember burning trash, and garbage in a hole.  Which of course like you was really boring, until you got a hold of a can of bug spray, and the ensuing blast, and flame, and smell, just made it exciting.  Man you sound like a typical kid.  Like it was said earlier, if all of us lived in the same town, we would terrorize the town! >:D >:D  That is until the reform school was built. :(  Well unless our Fathers got to us before that. :o :(  It is amazing what you could do when you were a kid.  No fear, and agility, and ability like a monkey.


Offline Poggins

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #46 on: July 07, 2013, 12:21:49 am »
I was the big brother and had to wach my brothers all the time, didn't have the chance to do any dumb things when I was young ( unless you count noodling before I could swim ) .
My last couple of years in high school I did a lot of coon hunting with a couple of friends , I climbed like a monkey so when we were training pups my friends would hold the adult hounds and let the pups chace the coons after I climbed up and shook them out . I didn't have the best light and it would go out about the time the coon would jump and my friends took off without me , climbed down from twenty feet or more in the dark several times , even had coons climb over me to jump on the other side of the tree . I did talk a freind of mine into shooting a beaver in a brush pile one time while we were bowfishing , he was using an aluminum arrow and hadn't hit anything all day but he hit the mark on the beaver , tore the brush pile up getting out and bent his arrow . I had to shoot the beaver to get his arrow back , bent it all up but my freind started hitting everything he ammed at .
Besides with the stories my father tells and with my cousinse someone has to stay strait ( hard sometimes but I manage). Oh an my friend Mike that I hunted with has done a few dumb things also , he was running down to his fathers shop and went to jump a brushog when the grass was wet , he slipped and one leg went under the other over , his knee swoll for a week and it still bothers him and that was twenty years ago.
Oh I bout forgot I was involved witha dumb act , when we used to paintball I had a marker that would ramp up on its own , we were playing in an old two story house and he was upstairs mad when I tried to make a push up the stairs he opened up on me I fired back hitting just above the knee leaving a nasty whelp and it brought a little blood ( he has gotten me back several times for it though).

Offline Marks

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2013, 12:47:50 pm »
The only stories I've got are Wheelie bows since I've just started with primitive. Both involve flight shooting.
At around 16 my brother had a bow and I didn't yet. He was shooting arrows out across the horse pasture. The horse pasture wasn't huge so he was putting a good arc on it. Well one arrow went up and we couldn't see it. I said I'm pretty sure its on out there.  A few seconds later it hit 10 feet behind us. We quit.

Second story happened this past January and wasn't dangerous. Just dumb. I had just got some luminocks for Christmas and had flight shot one earlier across a huge pasture where I hunt when I came out for lunch. Well after the evening hunt it was gonna be real cool to shoot it at night. And it was. The nock beamed all the way to the other end and the field and came down. It was beautiful.  As it hit the ground the light disappeared. That's odd. I drove over there and found a bright glowing light right square in the middle of the cow pond. The nock was the only thing sticking out of the water. Even though this is Alabama it was still around 32F outside. Cold enough to make em shrivel up  :o .  There I was all alone in the dark in January in a big field skinny dipping in a pond.

In High school history class we had to do an 'Indian Project". Basically make something an indian would make and write a report on how it was made and how they would use it in everday life. I made a blowgun. My school project version was made from hollowed out river cane and I made 12" darts from the cane walls with cotton balls on the back. My at home fun version was a 1/2" PVC pipe about 5' long. Being a trumpet player and having pretty good lungs I could get some pretty good velocity. One Friday night my parents weren't home and some friends were at the house. I was minding my own business on the couch watching TV when I had a sharp pain in my temple. My buddy got probly 1/4" worth of penetration in the side of my head. The dart was hanging from my face. I didn't sand the darts smooth so the grain was rough and had grip. I had to pinch the sides with one hand and pull it out with the other. That same guy also tied 4 bottle rocket fuses together without sticks and was acting like he was gonna light em. They "accidentally" lit and he tried to throw them out the door and they didn't make it. Parents never knew about that one either.

Offline Patches

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #48 on: July 08, 2013, 03:36:59 pm »
To Swampmonkey - I am glad you put that one up!  I was thinking about that one when read the topic heading. 

When I was growing up, I had a cousin that anytime I REALLY got into trouble, he was always right there with me.  Most of our mistakes started out with us looking at something and said "What would happen if we tried this?"   When we were 13 or 14, he bought a Ford Courier pickup from one of his brothers for $25.  we had it on a logging road driving around (he was driving) and got to a place where they loaded the logs ont he truck.  Just over the break of the hill, there was an oak about 10 - 12 inches thick, looking like it was just ready to fall over in the next wind.  We had the same idea at the same time:  If we hit it hard enough with the little truck, it will fall down.  My cousin grinned and said "Oh no!  We don't have any breaks!"  He punched the gas pedal and we went speeding towards the "dead" oak.  We were going at a pretty good speed when the truck hit it dead centered, and we found out that day that a "dead" oak does not mean a "weak" oak.  The front of the truck wrapped around the tree, my head busted the windshield, I knocked the door off as I flew out it, my cousin smashed into the steering wheel and then bounced out his door.  As we are both laying on the ground holding our chests and heads, I heard him say "It ain't dead!" to which I replied "No S#@T Sherlock!"

Another time we started tackling trees.  This involved finding dead trees, and running at them full speed, hitting them with your shoulder like you are tackling someone, and knocking the tree down.  I found two trees that were the perfect width apart, so that I could run my head between them, hitting one with each shoulder and knocking both of them down at the same time.  It was going to be cool!  These two trees were oaks, and like the last story, a "dead oak" is not always weak.  I went as fast as a 225 lb farm 17 year old kid can run and hit those tress dead centered....and the trees did not budge an inch.  I did not go to the doctor, but I am pretty sure I broke both collar bones. 

Its a wonder any of us made it to adulthood isn't it!   :)   
"You are never a complete failure as long as you can be used as a bad example..."

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #49 on: July 08, 2013, 09:18:49 pm »
  Cold enough to make em shrivel up  :o .  There I was all alone in the dark in January in a big field skinny dipping in a pond.

Been in that situation before when they pull up so tight you got three adam's apples!  They didn't re-descend until mid July, I swear!
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline stickbender

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #50 on: July 09, 2013, 04:22:50 am »
     Speaking of trees...... ;)  When I was about 14 or so,I was dove hunting with a friend of mine,and I showed him what a 12 gauge with #8 would do to a two inch thick pine sapling.   8)  Well one day, I thought, hmmm what would it do to a full grown pine?  Lets see.   So, I shot the tree from about 15 feet or so, and the tree spirits didn't like that, so they sent the shot back into my face!  :o I looked like I had the measles :P  Again, lucky I wasn't blinded.  As for bottle rockets, we would use PVC tubing for mortars, or rocket tubes.  Well one day, I had bigger than average bottle rocket, and the stick was broken off, so I figured I would just lay it in the swale by the drive way and light it, and see what it would do.  Well just as I was lighting it, my Dad walked up and asked what I was doing, so I told him, and the rocket ignited, and took off down the swale, then made an upward U turn, and came past me and hit my Dad on the inside of his thigh, just about the knee, and then headed for his crotch, and just in time veered off back up in the air and across the street while doing loop de loops, and exploded.  My Dad had a huge bruise on his leg! :( :P  I felt really bad about that.  But I guess he had forgotten about my incident with my Grandfather's old muzzle loader, and had not learned, not to stand near me when I was "trying" something. ::) ;)  Speaking of fireworks, when I was about 12 or so, my neighbor Buddy, and I were lighting fire crackers, and I had a hand full of black cats, and I had just tossed one, and went to get another one from my fist full in my right hand, when I saw that one right in the middle had a bright red glowing fuse! :o  Well me being bright and quick thinking individual I was, and am, I thought now how in the @#$# did that happen, then I thought, #@$% ! but before I could dump my hand full of firecrackers,it went off!  No damage, just stung like heck! However years later, I had made some little goodies with empty CO2 cartridges, filled with black powder, and about a 6 inch piece of cannon fuse inserted in the hole that I had drilled out, in the neck, and filled around that with rubber cement.  Made nice little depth charges.  Pretty cool at night, you can see a bright red circle of light when it goes off! 8)
Well I was over at a Friend's house, and I had some with me, and he wanted to see what they would do.  So we went outside, and it was dark, and I said just light it and throw it as far as you can and then get back in the house, as there will be shrapnel, so he threw it across the street into the school yard, and I said better get back in side, and he said, nah, it can't go that far, about that time it went off, and a piece of the CO2 cartridge smacked the house wall next to us!  Well they were quite popular, until his cousin made some, and was lighting and throwing them, and then he lit one got ready to throw it, and to this day, even he can't explain it, he just stared at it, everyone was yelling throw it!, :o and then it went off, and took, part of his thumb, and the tips of two finger, off, and put a piece of metal in his chest! :o
     When I went to England with the World Clown Society, in 1990, I had almost had a heart attack.  a week or so before I was to go, the same Friend who tossed the cartridge in the school yard, had given me a partial box of seal bombs, he had gotten from a Friend in California.  They use them to scare seals away from fishing nets.  At least they were supposed to, I think most just shot the seals.  Anyway, a Friend at work wanted a couple, so I put about four of them in my leather jacket pocket, and was going to give them to him at work.  Well he wasn't there, that shift, so I just left them where they were, and forgot about them.  Went through all the security check points, and were told not to take any pyrotechnics, because of the recent terrorist activities, and we could get what we wanted over there.  Well we couldn't but they told us that anyway.  So I didn't bring any flash paper, or even matches. So as we are going through security in Miami, just as my jacket was going through the X-Ray conveyor, the buzzer went off at the walk through detector, and the lady at the conveyor belt, leaned over to look.  Well I finally get a room with another Clown, and I was taking out my passport from my leather bomber jacket, and then I felt something odd in the pocket. ???  So I reached in, and pulled out four Seal bombs! :o :o :o  Man if the security check in London's Heath Row airport would have found those, I would still be in a British prison!  So luckily, I met an English Clown, who had a pyrotechnic license, and I gave them to him!  The big man was sure watching over me!  I guess as tired as they were, my Guardian Angel tag team was still on the job. ;)  As for swimming out to retrieve an arrow, with a glowing nock, at 32 de-freeze, it would have to wait till I could get a boat!  I don't care what the arrow cost!  Cold water and myself don't do well together, unless I am drinking it on a hot day!  I am like JW, I would have three Adam's apples! :o :P  Oh, I just thought of when I learned at about 13 or so, that household ammonia, and Clorox bleach, would make something very similar to Ammonium chloride gas.  So I get a mayonnaise jar, and mix it fifty fifty, and immediately, there is a foggy cloud of gas oozing out of the jar, so I toss it out in the yard.  Oops, there is a slight breeze gently blowing in my direction!  So I get the hose, and try to stay out of the gas, and start to dilute it.  Learned to test the breeze first after that. ;)  Sort of like know which way the breeze is blowing, when you use pepper spray! ;) :P



« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 08:10:31 pm by stickbender »

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #51 on: July 09, 2013, 10:31:31 am »
I have done too many dumb things to remember, some with tragic endings.

Getting careless on my first leave home from the Army in 67 and ending up married was probably my dumbest. At least I married the right person on my next attempt.

Offline Olanigw (Pekane)

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #52 on: July 09, 2013, 10:56:56 am »
I just remembered high school.
The principal took me aside and interrogated me for an hour about a prank that wasn't mine.  I laughed at her.  Mine was way more elaborate than the "three pigs" classic.  Unfortunately, they watched me like a hawk so the main entrance didn't end up being blocked by 20 tons of gravel, after all... and I still graduated with honors.

Dumbest thing at school was "testing" AL flash powder in the theater.  triple charge in the middle of rehearsal.  Or maybe it was thermite in the science lab during homeroom, or simulating a silo explosion.
Scarring my sinuses after lighting 10 matches held in my teeth and trying to blow them out with a sneeze...
Cannonballing off the roof into a frozen snowdrift...
Nailing the math teacher in the forehead with a paper hornet...
Accepting the challenge of dating not one, but two diagnosed psychotics in a row...
Flaming hackey sack...
Shooting a caplock without eye protection >_<
A personal favorite: water balloon tag in cars at 3am.
the list goes on.

Of course, all these are eclipsed every time I say to my Other Half "I told you so..."
"Good enough" is the enemy of great

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #53 on: July 09, 2013, 03:25:38 pm »
For you that are too young to have imagination that is not issued to you in the form of an ap on your phone...the three pigs trick is to turn three pigs loose in a building after painting numbers on them.  Numbers 1, 2, and 4.

Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline Poggins

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #54 on: July 09, 2013, 03:38:44 pm »
On the school pranks my father and his classmates  must have been pros , they put a milk cow on top of the schooling year then goats in the school another and the little town of Carney where he went to school had a dump at the end of Main Street and they emptied the dump putting the trash in the middle of main in front of the school ( the town payed the high school kids to clean the street up and dad was one of them ) oh and dad and a couple of his friends went duck hunting and had the ducks in the trunk of their car , while on Main Street he opened the trunk to show someone the ducks and three or four of them flew out , dad grabed his shotgun and chased them down the street shooting at them ( all this happened in the late forties and early fifties , don't think one could do that now days without spending some time behinde bars). Dad's list goes on way to much to list all the dumb stuff he has done .

Offline stickbender

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Re: Dumbest Thing You Ever Did
« Reply #55 on: July 09, 2013, 08:29:15 pm »
     Dang Pekane!  You need to sign up for the "Jackass" video group!  Lighting matches held in your mouth, and trying to blow them out with a sneeze?!! :o :o ??? ???  Whew!  I never ..... Intentionally..... did anything that would harm me..... ::)
But the thermite is kinda neat stuff.  I know a Friend of mine, had done some explosive work, and when he went into the military, he was a demolition man.  Well he had been in the war, and had a few trophies, and he and a buddy were sitting at a bar, and had a few beers, and he had brought a Japanese mortar head, or small cannon warhead.  Anyway the barman was used to the occasional weird stuff brought in, and some of the little puffs of smoke produced by various ingredients he sometimes brought in.  So he was showing the guy the small warhead, and had already removed the detonator, this was in the mid fifties or so, and he was in California at the time, and as they were examining the device, some of the explosive fell out, so he thought I wonder if this stuff will burn, so he dumps the stuff, in to a big thick glass ash tray, knowing that the explosives needed an initiator with a lot of brisance, to cause it to go off, he lit the powder, and there was a bright reddish flame, about a foot high, and lots of smoke, and after the commotion died down, he looks at the glass ash tray, sees, it no longer has a bottom, and there is a nice big burned hole, still glowing in the nice mahogany bar! :o :o  Well he pours some of his beer into it, and puts it out, and finishes his beer, he and his Buddy then nonchalantly walk down to the other end of the bar, and pay their tab, left a nice tip, and left, never to return to that bar again! ;) ::)


« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 08:34:54 pm by stickbender »