The only bugs that attack yew live in the uk and from what I hear are not very common(mealy bug?
). Other that that I've never seen a yew stave with bugs in it. BUT if the yew is in a place that's slightly damp (say near the dryer or in the same room) the sapwood will start to decompose. Evidence; a blue or grey fungus that penetrates the whole of the sapwood.
I now have many heartwood stave 
Dunno where you got that idea???
I've never seen bug damage in UK Yew.
I have had Yew from Oregon with bug holes riddling the sapwood. I had to saw off the sapwood and back the heartwood. One with Boo, the other with English Yew. Produced two fine bows.
Yeah its usually other countries that send their bugs over here to eat our trees 
Read it on this forum(doesnt mean its true, i know

)I'll try to find the post.
Bugs that affect yew; Taxus mealy bug, tortix moth caterpillars, black vine weevil, Taxus scale, Yew gall midge.
I've searched all these insects and I don't thing I've ever seen one.
Edit: checked my "Field Guide to Pacific Northwest Insects" and I didn't see any yew bugs in it :/ except the 'Scale' and here's what it said:
Discussion: The Scale, introduced long ago on nursery stock from Europe, has spread to more than 100 different American plants.