When I was in the Army, in the 60's, was stationed in Italy, and down by the mess hall, there was a row of huge chestnut trees, by the sidewalk. Well after 5 pm, no one parked there. But someone did not know why there was no one parked, and thought boy, I have all the spaces to myself!
And the thousands of starlings that used those trees for roosting, thought, Boy, we have that car all to ourselves. Well the next morning the car was still there. I guess whoever it belonged to, thought they would just leave it there for the night, and get it in the morning, and go off to wherever they were going. Well you could tell it was a car, by being able to see the wheels. other than that it was completely covered in about two to three inches of starling poop!
There was not a spot on the car that was not covered!
even the antennae!!
We got quite a laugh out of that. But we sure pitied the poor person who had to clean that car!
I bet he doesn't have any love for them either!