Author Topic: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)  (Read 41630 times)

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Offline PrimitiveTim

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #45 on: July 01, 2013, 04:30:15 pm »
Oh c'mon, you guys have to give them some credit.  The dude did make a primitive fire and they made sandals.  I'd wear those sandals if I needed to.  They boiled water and caught some fish.  Did y'all expect them to bring down a wildebeest?  They foraged some as well.  They did over dramatize some stuff but that's for all the folks that aren't into survival stuff.
Florida to Kwajalein to Turkey and back in Florida again.  Good to be home but man was that an adventure!

Offline Pat B

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2013, 04:52:13 pm »
I just can't imagine them wondering around the plains of Africa at night and still being around to see sunrise.
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Offline PrimitiveTim

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2013, 05:26:41 pm »
I just can't imagine them wondering around the plains of Africa at night and still being around to see sunrise.
then it's a good thing they recorded it for you.  It may be that things are not as harsh in that area as we have seen on national geographic or discovery.  Africa is a big country. 

I think it would be fun to scout locations for this show. 
Florida to Kwajalein to Turkey and back in Florida again.  Good to be home but man was that an adventure!

Offline Marks

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2013, 05:28:30 pm »
I just can't imagine them wondering around the plains of Africa at night and still being around to see sunrise.
I would imagine the show would take some precautions to keep them from being eaten as far as knowing what predators are in the area. That's a pretty big liability. Not to mention they might not get their little hand held cameras back. The hyena noises you said were on there were probably sound effects added in later kinda like when they put bleeps in Duck Dynesty during the football episode. Brother Phil had to set em straight after that.

Offline Thesquirrelslinger

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2013, 10:57:57 pm »
I just can't imagine them wondering around the plains of Africa at night and still being around to see sunrise.
I would imagine the show would take some precautions to keep them from being eaten as far as knowing what predators are in the area. That's a pretty big liability. Not to mention they might not get their little hand held cameras back. The hyena noises you said were on there were probably sound effects added in later kinda like when they put bleeps in Duck Dynesty during the football episode. Brother Phil had to set em straight after that.
Many sounds are added afterwards.
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Offline Pat B

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2013, 11:54:16 pm »
Oh yeah, REALITY!  ::)
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Pappy

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #51 on: July 02, 2013, 08:18:52 am »
Still haven't watched it yet,I may but kind of doubt it,don't care much for so called reality shows,I watch TV,what little I watch for fiction, entertainment and laughs,I live reality in my own life.  ;) :)
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Offline Marks

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #52 on: July 02, 2013, 10:31:06 am »
Well I got to watch it last night. I liked this one much better than the last one. While they do seem to mismatch the contestants on purpose, these were respectful and settled their differences like adults. They still seem to be editing out too much of the actual survival stuff but it was better. The biggest thing I disagreed with was the guy from the first show ended up with a final survival rating of mid 8s while these 2 only got 8.1 and 8.2. I thought they were better.

Offline Marks

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #53 on: July 09, 2013, 11:42:21 am »
Episode 3 looked like more of the same of episode 1. The guy complained most of the time even though he was worthless. What were the producers thinking when they put a fair skinned guy on a tropical island.  That girl did pretty well though. She seemed to at least know kinda what she was doing. Its always nice to see a pretty girl on there. She also had a nice caboose which was certainly a plus to the show.   

Had anyone seen the Naked Castaway show before? Now that guy seems legit. It was neat to hear him talk about how just the little things made so much difference to his moral. The Naked and Afraid show seemed to be a wannabe version of that show. I watched it a good bit back when it first aired and enjoyed watching his commentary after Naked and Afraid went off.  Apparently I'm into naked shows. haha. I watched the Mountain Men episode too.

Offline PrimitiveTim

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #54 on: July 09, 2013, 12:50:09 pm »
Dude, that chick in the 3rd episode rocked it!  The guy was almost worthless.  The only thing he contributed to was getting that clam and possibly helping with the shelter.  If I was on that island with her I wouldn't have wanted to leave. lol
Florida to Kwajalein to Turkey and back in Florida again.  Good to be home but man was that an adventure!

Offline Dharma

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #55 on: July 09, 2013, 02:26:26 pm »
I've got an idea for a more realistic "survival" show. I call it "Living Paycheck To Paycheck". How to survive on the ever-famous "transitional job". Some highlights from what would be my first episode:

1.) Buy the 115 stick pack of Gorton's fish sticks. When they're on sale for $10, they're cheaper than the packs of lesser quantities. You can eat for a long time on this and they're relatively healthy.

2.) You can find some pretty decent food at low prices (some of it actually pricey gourmet food that got overstock dumped) at Big Lots.

3.) In areas where rabbit hunting is year-round, you can get a lot of mileage out of a rabbit if you reduce the carcass (along with vegetable cuttings) to soup stock after you eat most of the meat. A shotgun guarantees the meat, but you can save more money using a bow. No shotgun pellets to spit out and the arrow can be reused, lowering your cost-per-pound of meat to the price of the gas to get to your hunting spot.

4.) Super WalMart is not cheaper for meat in most cases. People just think it is because it's WalMart.

5.) Rice is your friend! Most of the world lives on it. The bigger the bag, the cheaper it costs. Rice, some leftover pork, an egg, chinkiang vinegar, and soy sauce, and you got fried rice just as good as any at a Chinese restaurant.

6.) No need to buy storage containers for the kitchen. That's what coffee cans are for, especially the new plastic ones with handles.

7.) A wok, cast iron skillet, and stainless steel stock pot are essential economic survival equipment. Throwing away a roast chicken or turkey carcass is throwing away money. With the stock pot, you can reduce them to broth of a quality you can't get in the store, plus it's basically free.

8.) Save your vegetable parings in the freezer. Add them to your stock pot when reducing carcasses to broth.

9.) Don't weed your yard. Eat your dandelions.

10.) Natural food stores are expensive, but the bulk bins have some great deals.

Just sayin'...
An arrow knows only the life its maker breathes into it...

Offline TRACY

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #56 on: July 09, 2013, 03:17:28 pm »
Episode 3 was better. Not sure why the guy complained about getting sunburned but wouldn't seek shade when it was available. Her survival skills were very adequate for the situation and she carried the guy the whole time.

The show after with the guy on an island for two months was,a lot better and realistic.

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Offline Marks

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #57 on: July 09, 2013, 03:46:26 pm »
Episode 3 was better. Not sure why the guy complained about getting sunburned but wouldn't seek shade when it was available. Her survival skills were very adequate for the situation and she carried the guy the whole time.

The show after with the guy on an island for two months was,a lot better and realistic.


Tracy that 2nd show was a whole series. Last night they just showed his commentary on the whole experience. You should check it out if you haven't already. It was good.

And I agree, I never could figure out why he wouldn't seek anything better than partial shade. I would have curled up under one of those bushes.......with that girl >:D

Offline bubby

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #58 on: July 09, 2013, 04:34:51 pm »
finally a girl with a nice rear end, a pretty good attitude and some skills, the guy was a d.b
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Offline Josh B

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Re: Naked and Afraid Series (Official Thread)
« Reply #59 on: July 09, 2013, 11:13:03 pm »
I finally watched the first two episodes but had to leave before the third one aired.  Has anyone else noticed the pattern in this crappy excuse for entertainment?  In the first two, the man starts out talking smack about how weak and incapable the woman is and then the rest of the show all he does is whine, complain and cry while the woman keeps on keepin on as rocksteady  and stoic as can be.  Do you reckon these guys are really that lame?  Or is it just that the producer and editors are purposely making them look like they are?  I'm thinking they should have called the show nekid and nutored!  If the same pattern holds for Billy's episode, I don't think I would have been so eager to invite  everybody to watch.  I'm not saying, I'm just saying.  Josh