I have recently collected a lot of goose feathers from around a church pond nearby. I have fished that pond for several years. It is a popular fishing spot.
Last few times out, I have been disgusted by the amount of litter I find. Not just incidental small stuff like bottle caps. Water bottles, soda cans, bait containers, candy/gum wrappers, etc. Found a broken fishing rod today that someone just left there. I cleaned up all I found & brought the fishing rod home to fix up. Still very usable, just a broken tip. I have found several wads of monofilament fishing line, laying on the bank & strings of it snagged in nearby shrubs. Someone could have cut the bulk of it loose in 1-2 minutes and not left a hazard & eyesore.
Let's all remember to respect the property of those who let us use it. How long does it take to clean up our trash? I will not be surprised if the church gets angry and forbids further public use of their pond. I have known other property owners to close their ponds & woods to fishing and hunting for similar reasons. Sometimes we have only ourselves to blame, or our sloppy bretheren.